Tuesday 12 July 2011


A 4 year Old kid kept telling his teacher about his baby sis who was going to be born because he was very excited about it

1 day his mom made him feel the baby's movements by placing his palm on her stomach
D kid didn't say anything
From that day onwards he stopped telling his teacher about his baby sis

1 day when his teacher enquird about his baby sis

The boy's eyes were filled with tears

He replied "My Mummy ate it!" :(


BOY: A, B, C
GIRL: What?
BOY: Always Be Careful
GIRL: ahan then?
BOY: D, E, F, G
Girl : ??
BOY: Don't Ever Forget That
GIRL: ForGet That
BOY: I'm H, I
Girl: What H, I ?
BOY: Happilly Inlove
GIRL: so
BOY: J, K, L, M, Just Keep Loving Me
GIRL: and how about N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z ?
BOY: No Other Person Quite, Reasonable, Shall Treat U Very Well Xcept me You'll

Projek baru!

Nama sc: «» Teddy-X Script! Tribute to WawasanChat Girls. «»
Version: 3

aku bosan x tau nak watpe.. so aku upgrade salah satu sc aku utk aku releasekan dan dipakai kat WawasanChat server.. sc ni aku wat khas utk sesiapa yg ske pade teddy bear.. ngee.. kalo minat leh leh try test cuba nanti.. ianya masih dlm poses.. satu sc yg aku rase sempoi dan ringan.. khas utk pompuan sc ni.. kalo lelaki nk pakai pon tade hal.. cuma nampak jambu je ler.. ngee.. >.<

so, tunggu je ler kemunculan sc ni kat blog aku ni! ;)